Browsing Category: Journal Pages


“…words are life set down on paper.  So seek out the company of others.”—Paulo Coelho, Aleph                 For most of my lived-life, I ran from that.  When drawn to another, I believed something in me was wrong, that an attraction and draw was something ugly—a weakness and perversion within me—and it took the better part […]


So many prayed, so many granted,Some ways I could not see;Growing Faith, refining soul—Learning who is “me.” Then spreading gift, sharing the same,To others as they pray:Advancing nearer into LightWith each and every day. We are products of our prayers,Prayed and offered in the past.At least one of them, we live today.I pray: remember that. […]


                “Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.  Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world […]


                It lived on day in the Second Canticle of Spring, its song voiced by birds, messengers on wing, in proclamation of arrival to new and promised life.  She departed on day when the first of spring shone green through recession of winter’s covering snow; appearing in the low bases and shortest blades of wintered […]


“There is a responsibility that everyone can take up: we need to decide if we are going to collectively and individually tilt the world towards Heaven or tilt it towards Hell.”—Jordan B. Peterson                 There comes a point when we discern the most-wrong way to live is deference—putting off life and denying one’s perceived course […]