Browsing Category: Journal Pages


        He rides the cemetery lanes.  I can’t keep up.  I walk the center ways doing best to keep sight.  I’m loose him over faint counter lines of land’s lay, tree and headstone obscurations, and the fall off of hill that he pedals fast down to catch speed, gleeful when returned to view on flat and […]


        I watch my son riding his bike on the gravel road before our home.  He tried a trick, wipes out, jumps mid-air and catches himself—still standing with a “WHOAH!”           He picks up the bike, climbs back on, and rides on.           A car comes down the way.  I stand […]


        There is a difference between humility and living small.  Humble, we acknowledge all we have is by gift and grace of God.  Knowing, we put little pride or guard in or admissions and our givings.  All is gift.  All is grace.  The gifts in us are not ours.  They are God’s, and knowing, we submit in will to […]


        The smell of sunscreen and after-rain; weight of air with cooling humidity; sound of balls off metal bats, strike of ball to leather, and scratch of cleats on quick-dry infields.           I loved it when I was little.  I love it still: watching my son living his own moments, games and […]