A warmth returned, and they walked in the world under clear of sun and sky in light.  Beside the trail, in shade of the trees, ice and snow remained; but on the path and lawned open of park, earth was open again.                 She wore a stocking cap drawn low, it and hair in […]


               It was love language that they shared—the songs they played and loved, words and tones and melodies that returned them into memories, imaginings and dreams, and, too, into acute and attune of intimate’s present.                Warm spell came and lived in the week.  It melted snow and erased the last of ice made of […]


               Weekend arrived, again they went to woods, to wilds: hidden home within the trees.                 In soft snow fall, they left from the city as dim of day darkened full into cloud-cover night of black.  They drove in headlight shine forward into black, snowfall’s sight small in the distance and large in pass, melting […]


(Taking a social media pause/break/stop. Writings will still be posted and found in the “RECENT WRITINGS” link above. Sometimes we need a quiet season to focus in and find what it is we really mean to say, create, or share. If you like what you read, have story ideas, book recommendations (anything you find interesting) want to reach out, check in or on: I am always grateful for the exchange of ideas and a little mind-met fellowship. I can be reached at

Thank you for sharing your mind and time.
