
Barnes and Nobel

#sharejoy is an anthology of poems written with a desire to share joy, goodwill, grow friendships, and give encouragement to all. Its poems are taken from the pages of my journals, which I shared at the request of my oldest son. We were reading Shel Silverstein poems before bed one night, and between pages, he asked if I would make him a book with my poems. I told him that I would. #sharejoy is the product of this promise kept.

Back Cover Text:
We all have goodness and beauty to share in this world. #sharejoy expresses the joy, love, gratitude, and sometimes hurt that color life’s experience. #sharejoy speaks positivity, lifts others, and affirms the good and value inherent in us all. Written at the request of the author’s young son, #sharejoy is a collection of personal poems that express affinity, goodwill, and capture small moments that make life special.

Life is good: #sharejoy.


1 comments on “#sharejoy

  1. I can’t wait to hold this book in my hands, highlight pages and buy many copies to have on hand for gifts. I WILL Share Joy! ❤️

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