Browsing Category: Journal Pages


                He sat with the morning sun, with the cricket songs of late summer season that played day and night within surrounding fields.  He sat with the vines, wet in after-rain, as droplets traced, beaded and fell downward from low tendrils and once-trumpet lily blooms brought to fruit by bees and beaks of hummingbirds drawn […]


         Messenger or fool?  Does it really matter?  Maybe it takes being the latter to ever have chance at becoming the first: living, giving, and telling the pieces of us we know better than to share but desire to speak and share all the same.  Maybe knowing better isn’t always a faculty of reason but […]


                For three days, I have serviced, repaired, and immediately after watched a rotary disk mower-conditioner self-destruct.  For three days, I read the manual, servicing all pieces shown, replacing all worn parts, aligned timing marks for disk rotations—all as the manuals instructed—and, on engaging and starting the mower once again, witnessed its immediate annihilation of […]


                I read to my daughter last night.  It was a book we had not shared together in many years; a children’s book that, like most beautiful stories, says something more and different as we grow and learn its telling in different life lights.                 It told of a man who loved books, who began […]