There is a responsibility that everyone can take up: we need to decide if we are going to collectively and individually tilt the world towards Heaven or tilt it towards Hell.”—Jordan B. Peterson

                There comes a point when we discern the most-wrong way to live is deference—putting off life and denying one’s perceived course and purpose in prioritization, and non-alignment, with what others say we should seek—for deference is not living.  To deny one’s true expression is the greatest source of despair, and only in mediums of honest openness do we begin to sense joy as a condition of soul and not as effect of emotive elation.  God imbued us with free will not to be discarded in deference to the design and will of others.  God gave us free will to use: for right, wrong, error, and lessons learned.  These are all parcel to the experience.  Experience is what gives us humility, empathy, the opportunity to improve—which is but further decision and exercise of will.

                We are not created to all think and live alike.  “The Spirit of God is within us.”  Live our part. 

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