View this post on Instagram I asked a friend a few days back for some good books recommendations. “Les Miserables” was the second on his list. The more I read, the more I’m drawn in, and not really knowing the story, only familiarity with the title, it’s been a pleasure to discover the story as it shows. I was drawn in to Hugo’s description of Fantine. My heart swooned, then broke, and now it holds hope where I am in my present reading, but when I read her description, I couldn’t help but think how many “Fantine”s there are in the world: good and beautiful people that fate gives a rough draw. But there is something still to it. No matter world condition, the ways we sometimes change to survive as we see able, the good is still within us, even when much of the world fails to see. There is purpose in our hardships: “Carve as we the mysterious block of which our life is made, the black vein of destiny constantly reappears.” I began this from the perception I took of Hugo’s first description of Fantine, added more as I read on. I added too the passage of Fantine, first described by Hugo, because I thought that it was beautiful. #lesmiserables #victorhugo #hugo #poetry #fantine A post shared by Byron McCoy (@cattlezen095) on Feb 20, 2020 at 6:03am PST Pages: