Browsing Category: Journal Pages


“You can’t repeat the past.”—F. Scott Fitzgerald                 You staged hours before in the hangar bay of the ship by company, platoons, squads, and fire teams.  You inspected, reinspected, and waited.  You had an old iPod, back when they were just music, and you listened to zone out and to put your mind in a […]


FIRST STEP:“…I yearned to know how could our image fitInto that circle, how could it conform; but my own wings could not take me so high—then a great flash of understanding struckmy mind, and suddenly it’s wish was granted. At this point power failed high fantasybut, like a wheel in perfect balance turning,I felt my […]


                “I don’t believe in epiphanies.  I don’t believe in transformative moments, as transformation is harder than a moment.  I’ve seen far too many people awash in a genuine desire to change only to lose their mettle when they realize just how difficult change actually is.  But that moment, with that boy, was pretty close […]


                I didn’t read this morning, only prayed: no words, just a sense spoken from within.  I didn’t make a sound.  I didn’t form a thought, just let the feeling be.  Still, I believe I was heard and, even more, that I am understood. 


                Those were the worst, incidents in the night; sudden panicked messages in a foreign language, the half-asleep operator in the COC stirring to receive and the translator over his shoulder speaking to the room as the message shouted in: a small outpost of entirely ANP or ANSF separate from us under attack.                 They […]


                I tell her I love her as she leaves.  She hears and deliberately ignores.  She is still mad.                  Without intention, I spoke hurtfully to her the night before.  She told me about an issue she had with something she ordered online.  She began the conversation saying, “I’m fighting with China…”                  The Communist […]