Browsing Tag: Byron McCoy Writing


            One of my favorite things in reading is when, unknowingly, you stumble into an incredible romance.  It’s not in story you go searching for, but in search for something else, it is revealed and takes you completely by surprise, drawing you in and refusing to let you break away.             Recently, I began reading […]


                In the counter-shadow of dawn’s beginning light, beneath skies gray from spring mourning, water shone as a blanket, even on shallow-slopes where clumped grasses dammed and held it from its run, appearing as snow absent pale glow in season before.  Blades of grass shone green up through the standing water, breaking the mirror surface […]


          “I have different stories to write,” he shared.           “Then write them,” she replied.           “They won’t be all happiness and hope as I’ve tried to write before.”           “If that’s all someone is, how can they relate to the rest of us?”           “Some will be fucked up.”          “Aren’t we all a little?” […]


                We played “Horse” in the driveway and baseball in the backyard.  We went to a soccer game in the city, dinner with grandparents, and to the “Movie Gators” (Owen’s words) after.  Heading home from the theater, I thanked them, “Thank you for such a beautiful day.”                 Audrey laughed lightly then answered in her […]


            “You make me happy,” he spoke.  “You helped me believe again in Goodness when it was something I struggled to see.  You made me believe in high ideals, even if they aren’t always achieved—or sometimes even real.  There are times when belief alone can make us better.             You cast color into a beige […]