“I have different stories to write,” he shared.

          “Then write them,” she replied.

          “They won’t be all happiness and hope as I’ve tried to write before.”

          “If that’s all someone is, how can they relate to the rest of us?”

          “Some will be fucked up.”
          “Aren’t we all a little?”

          “Some will have desire beyond a simple man trying to be good.”

          “A good man without passion is nothing, just someone to smile with and then forget when you return to living passionately.  Passion is a life purpose—to find, live, and shine to light and burn in others—not to settle and stop at good, which affects nothing and is a compliment to those who never dare to pursue the trials and fires that inspire their existence.  You may see me as an angel, but to be on this Earth, we are all a little fallen and all inclined to desire?”

          “Some may end with assertions the world may voice as wrong.”

          “I’m not the world, just a girl…if you say this because you think of my opinion.  Besides, if what you make is foremost for the world’s approval, how can any of it be creative if aligned entirely to pre-established forms and ends?

          It’s your art.  If you want to make it—make it.  You know most will never read, and of those that do, it is because they want to find or discover something from you.  If you write it true and genuine from the place it’s derived—even if it’s fucked up—they’ll feel it.  That’s why we read.  That’s what we want: not all happiness and hope if it’s backed by nothing but bullshit.  If it’s real, definitely; give me the happiness!  But fairytales without a telling truth, those stories never survive.  We need both—hope and a grounding truth that inclines us believe in the possibility of its reality—even if we choose to call it fiction.

          Art’s not about fitting a mold of expectation.  It’s about changing another’s eyes by our own abilities to express—whatever the medium. 

          Make it.  You don’t need to hand me a disclaimer.  Just make it.  If you want me to see, I will; and if you have the courage to give—even when you doubt—is it not because it holds a deeper truth that makes you cautious?  If you’re touching there, those are the depths that hit.  Those are what make and leave enduring impressions.

          Be brave.  Say it.  Make it.  I’m just a simple girl: show me. 

          If someone judges and dislikes you from your creation, they’re not your people; and if your art affects and draws another closer to you, then it is doing as you wish: discerning, and attracting like-souls.  Make it.

          Be brave.  Write it.  Share it to all, or only, those you want to see.  Don’t weaken it, or yourself, with a warning.  Let it hit and stand as it is.  I want to read.  I want to learn and find more that is you…even if I don’t always say…”

          And so he would.     

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