Browsing Category: Short Story


          “I have different stories to write,” he shared.           “Then write them,” she replied.           “They won’t be all happiness and hope as I’ve tried to write before.”           “If that’s all someone is, how can they relate to the rest of us?”           “Some will be fucked up.”          “Aren’t we all a little?” […]


          Maybe it was just the weather, cold and rain getting to the heart, or maybe more was taking change.  A gray cloud front followed vibrant dawn that swept and took its hold raining in steady fall without the trembling force of storm: only rain—cold, melancholy, persistent—dampening day, world, and sky.           It got to […]


                The bitterest days were past. A new front settled: warming the world and melting the snow and heavy ice of weeks before.  Every dawn, the sun inched northward in its horizon breaking; and, every day, he waited and held witness to its rise.                  The ground would thaw, the wheat root stronger—tillering and giving […]


“The most important thing in all human relationships is conversation, but people don’t talk any more, they don’t sit down to talk and listen.  They go to the theatre, the cinema, watch television, listen to the radio, read books, but they almost never talk…”—Paulo Coelho, The Zahir           The fire blazed in the small room, […]


“…it is you, spirit—with will and energy, and virtue and purity—that I want: not alone your brittle frame.  Of yourself you could come with soft flight and nestle against my heart, if you would: seized against your will, you will elude the grasp like an essence—you will vanish ere I inhale your fragrance.  Oh!  Come […]


        “Do you believe opportunities we are meant to live are ever truly lost?  Does opportunity die, or only change?  If we change our eyes with new perceptions, do possibilities reappear.  In different time, condition, and space, does the opportunity remain if we will ourselves to act?          How many times do we talk ourselves […]


                …He saw the scene and felt a happiness in his soul, the way one feels returning and knowing one is home.  He felt the sense for his own fields, his own dawns and sunsets under heavens of light while laboring in a world of timeless toil, the labor on which kingdoms and civilization began […]


          “Ada wondered that herons could tolerate each other close enough to breed.  She had seen a scant number in her life, and those so lonesome as to make the heart sting on their behalf.  Everywhere they were seemed far from home.”—Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain           He read the quote aloud, and when he finished, […]


      “The creek’s turnings marked how all that moves must shape itself to the maze of actual landscape, no matter what its preference might be.”—Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain                 It was a place where he went to think, where the river spread and shallowed on red sand stones of an ancient sea then fell in […]