Browsing Tag: Cold Mountain


     “To Ada, though it seemed akin to miracle that Stobrod, of all people, should offer himself up as proof positive that no matter what a waste one has made of one’s life, it is ever possible to find some path to redemption, however partial.”—Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain           I never thought Stobrod would be […]


                “Ada had to admit that, at least now and then, just saying what your heart felt, straight and simple and unguarded, could be more useful than four thousand lines of John Keats.  She had never been able to do it in her whole life, but she thought she would like to learn how.”—Charles Frazier, […]


          “Ada wondered that herons could tolerate each other close enough to breed.  She had seen a scant number in her life, and those so lonesome as to make the heart sting on their behalf.  Everywhere they were seemed far from home.”—Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain           He read the quote aloud, and when he finished, […]