Browsing Category: Journal Pages


          “…There are special people in the world, good people that change lives of almost perfect strangers.  People need to know that.  I need to say it and believe the world will be better when we live in greater faith that such people are among us, everywhere, making worlds better each and every day simply […]


                I miss that, the innocence of attraction when you began to notice and be drawn, not with lust but to beauty in form and soul, and the romanticism of a youthful heart in growth.  I miss that innocence.  I miss that magic.                  I held onto that ideal and wonder for a long time, […]


                The sun fell into line of sight with their eyes, its low-angle light pure gold, coloring the canvas of the world the same in sky and off the undulant skin of the sea before setting away and the last of its colors filtered into calmer reds, oranges, and violets overhead that ceded into stars.  […]


          “…She doesn’t know that she is beautiful.  She has an idea, but she doubts; and in her doubt, she hides herself away.  I wish she wouldn’t, but she does.            Her beauty is more than superficial.  It runs deep, is of spirit and light, and if ever she let it fully show, it would […]


          “…Life doesn’t have to always make sense.  Maybe moments don’t always have a greater meaning we discern, but there is magic in them still; and enough moments lived in magic create a life that becomes the same.  They were moments of magic to me, as brief and ephemeral as they were, and I remember […]


                I believe I can build a community.  I believe, listening and being engaged with the signs that show, that I can grow relationships and foster a community of minds that feed and enrich one another.  When we put something out there and witness a response, I believe it is because there is something in […]