Browsing Category: Journal Pages


          “…But such is a foolish thought that rises and sets when Light does the same, that appears when the world speaks through colors to a solitude in soul.  You let it go when the Light rises or sets beyond its colored canvas of dreams.  You return to living as Light illumed: to be a […]


                The sun came up today.  It rose above from the horizon into a band of clouds, cresting again and splintered upon the crown of a barn behind our home scattering light in fractal rays from sky to earth.  I went outside to witness, and my youngest son joined.  He played with “his kitty” which […]


          For two days, I have witnessed sunrises with souls of fire wake outside my window: peach and fuchsia overtones above a backdrop of orange light that color the world before sun ever shows.  As dawn draws nearer to its rise, the orange background burns away in transcending hues—fainter oranges, indigos, yellow-blue, and then the […]


                The sky was blue before you ever saw the sun.  The mountain ridges rose high and steep from the narrow valley floor, and it was well into day before its golden orb ever crested the eastern ridge.                  On days when it snowed, the world in view was obscured in a powdered descent of […]