All Posts By: Byron McCoy


               In night, apart, they united in way of spirit and mind by means and medium of the mystics.                Union of energy sensed through the space, align and same in sensed exchange as if single one-soul thought, they knew each other in the signs.                Words and stories, when and how in appear, resonance […]


               In a middle winter of middle life, they found romance that brought their bloom.  In a world of white, cold, and still, they opened into alive.                Like first-time lovers, young and new, they loved in a blindness of bliss and easy ecstasies.                Mornings and days, eves and nights—whenever alone in the Spirit—they […]


               He kissed her again in high day’s sun on table’s edge in center and recess of room, sight of outdoors and world beyond windows, but by the depth in the room and shade of the glass, hidden from returned view.                He kissed her in sit, she spread ready and fast, eager-wanting for his […]


               A warmth returned, and they walked in the world under clear of sun and sky in light.  Beside the trail, in shade of the trees, ice and snow remained; but on the path and lawned open of park, earth was open again.                 She wore a stocking cap drawn low, it and hair in […]


               Again in the morning, again in the light—pillar of golden-see—he took her over island’s face, both forward to the sun; forward of her body’s lean, his close in bend above; her rhythm and press and forcing back; fluid glide of his forward-meet; body’s shock in meet’s collide, compress of her ass in absorb of […]


               Anna turned the brass and porcelain handles and listened to water’s pour as it struck floor of the claw tub bath.  She felt for water’s sensing change in fall over testing hand, and when the heat arose and poured in full, she set the bath into rise and fill pouring soap into filling stream, […]


               Then, still in her heat, alive of the awe, he moved bringing himself high, draw and sweep of her thin gown straps, lowering high to her raise of low, colored, crumpled fabric stripe upon her winter open.                 Take of his hold, hook of her legs, deep drive that made her flutter; again, sun’s […]


               The colder the day, the clearer the sky and warmer the window light, an apparent of contradiction that, in living, one finds true.                She thought of it then, then of all times, as he laid her down to the carpeted floor under close of the window sill, her face and sight upward to […]


               I don’t want to kick them out the door, rush and hurry them on, but they are late and everyone is in their own world.  A cold winter morning, my daughter is in despair over the unfairness that “everyone is out but us.”  What she would do with a “cold day” (there is no […]