All Posts By: Byron McCoy


               Quiet Sunday, coffee in hand, both dressed and covered in robes of fleece that warmed in soft the open of their underbodies, at rest in solace and silence at island in heart of their home, she asked, “What are you thinking?”                He smiled.                 “I think you’re beautiful in the morning sun.”                […]


               Memory returned and she saw again the way it was at worst and greatest disarray.  She thought of the then, all she had felt—doubts, fears and worries in then.                But that was past.                She looked on the present with a love and high regard for the near-perfect it became.  She smiled in […]


               “You have a remarkable story.  Isn’t it time you tell it?”—Leslie Leyland Fields _____                He saw the message written to sky over scene of lake, mountain, and clouds—repetition of a message day before appeared over sign and scene of same.                “Why shouldn’t it be the year you write your story?” he asked. […]


               “The reason why such communications are more delightful and blessed than in the world, is, because conjugial love, as it is the love of the spirit, becomes interior and purer, and thereby more perceivable; and every delight increases according to perception, and to such a degree that its blessedness is discernible in its delight.”—Emanuel […]


               Kissing, standing, morning embraced still in naked of night, he moved her as they went.  Step by step, he led her back, slow and gentle as their kiss.  Reach of his hands to her low cool-skinned round, he lifted her in raise and rest to table’s edge.                Kissing still, then its break, gaze’s […]


               He found her in rest by window view, body curled in chair, hands’ comb through her hair as she gazed on a sky turned night.                Beside her on small table beside her chair and place, candle burned in an alabaster mind through which flame glowed in amber through.  Candle lit her face, warm […]


               In quiet and alone and take of cigar, its acrid taste of remain in each draw’s after, he wrote to her.  In commune and exchange entirely of mind he believed that she would see.                He was crazy in that way, believing in the power of intentions and energies and that signs and spirit […]


               He sat on porch smoking cigar, mark of ending to a week.  Sun was set, already gone, and low clouds glowed orange with fuchsia shadows.  Sky above shone teal and still in climb, blue of day remained.                Northern sky was softer than west’s.  North tempered in begin of evening blush: sky blue-pink and […]


               In naked and free, open space of the room, she smiled in look to him; the sight of him there, unhidden in full, meet-return of his amorous eyes.                She fluttered to the sight, sudden of a feel, as she rolled to pose that widened and brightened his eyes, raising to greater glow.                […]