All Posts By: Byron McCoy


               Then lift of his weight, change of his hold; legs’ hook and wider spread; crunch of her stomach, upraise of her high; seeing, feeling, then falling flat, arms raised and bent in overhead, bracing to the way; drive of her body, hold’s keep of return, arms’ press of bracing too; closing of eyes, absorb […]


               She loved their rest in nakedness, open unhidden of their selves; to know their peace, to know their rest, even in the silence; to not wonder or question when she was wanted, strong sign when it arose; and the same of her body in subtler way, deepened hue of ends, expand of color, rise […]


        “If a story is not about the hearer (they) will not listen.  And here I make a rule—a great and lasting story is about everyone or it will not last.  The strange and foreign is not interesting—only the deeply personal and familiar.”—John Steinbeck, East of Eden _____         Deep down, she knew […]


               She woke in joy from pleasure-dream to a new-day hope in peace.  Before her bedroom window view, naked branch of redbud showed still in winter-bare.  She smiled in her heart looking forward to its spring.                Despite the winter season’s hold, room within was warm, and beginning into dress, she willed instead to stay […]