

            The father and son worked together fixing fence.  They pulled mangled t-posts, cut broken wires and spliced new strands torn where two bulls fought.  The bulls had fought and broke through for cows on the other side.  The bulls were two days of blindness, running wild and settling every cow that was ready before […]


“…in possibility one can go astray in all possible ways, but essentially two.  One form is the wishful, yearning form, the other is the melancholy fantastic—on the one hand hope; on the other, fear or anguished dread.”—Soren Kierkegaard             I don’t want to go astray.  I don’t want to go too far chasing dreams I […]


            I lived days I lost myself in thought, when discovering me again, I witnessed clouds shift, sun break, and sky show with a new and beautiful light.  I don’t know what it meant, if it meant anything at all, but I observed.  I witnessed how—in a thought—heavens moved, light shone, and the world illuminated […]


            Even as our better selves, there are day when we still fail: days when we mess up, days we fall short, do wrong, hurt, and disappoint.  This is not a failure in faith, nor a lack of its presence.  It is a failure of the Man in which we are made.  We are imperfect […]


            I write in the mornings.  I begin when the sky is black and nothing shows.  I write, and the thought and sky begin to glow.  The sky warms from the horizon up, muted hues of a light yet revealed.  When the thought I wish to share completes, dawn breaks and I am blinded and […]