“…in possibility one can go astray in all possible ways, but essentially two.  One form is the wishful, yearning form, the other is the melancholy fantastic—on the one hand hope; on the other, fear or anguished dread.”—Soren Kierkegaard

            I don’t want to go astray.  I don’t want to go too far chasing dreams I know in my heart are not meant for me.  Nor do I wish to live in despair, forgoing the possibilities of all that is good and perhaps meant for me to know. 

            How do we know?  How do we live the virtue of a life aligned to divine intent without going too far as fools or failing to fulfill intended destinies?  I don’t know, but I pray.  I pray that I may learn, perceive, and follow in faith the course for which I’m meant.  I pray less with words and more with sense of soul, and then—I listen. 

            How do we respond if we do not remain receptive for an answer? What good is a prayer without faith a sign or answer will be shown?  It will not come on our timeline, in the manner we may expect, but if we are not open to its sign, how do we ever see?

            I don’t know, but I still pray—and listen.  I don’t know if this is the answer, but it works for me and is the closest to an answer I have found. 

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