All Posts By: Byron McCoy


            I had one for everywhere I went.  I still do.  I had it if I needed it, if I found a little time and needed, or wanted, to feel something.  Somedays I’d return to an old entry, but mostly I would add another that was new.  It was what I did when I was […]


I want to make a good impression, Maybe raise your day With simple words, written out, That I wish to say:   To show you that you are on one’s mind, Held in high esteem; Simply because you’re kind and nice And deserve to be. Because everyone deserves to feel special…


            It is trying to rain again, but it is a different front.  It is not the steady fall of our winter—gray with only the sound of pour upon the earth.  This front is different.             The songs of birds, bugs, and frogs precede the storm.  There is a flash of light, then crack and […]


With Social Distancing and cancelled classes, my children were given packets of homework and projects to work on until classes resume. This morning, my daughter picked out the assignment: “write an acrostic poem with the word SPRING.” The first was a collaboration and the second, one I wrote from being part of the experience.


            I’m putting out mineral for cattle.  I’m in a hurry and couldn’t tell you why.  I have all day.             The ground is still wet, and the Jeep slides everywhere we go.  I walk the bags of mineral to where they’re placed—the blocks of salt as well—because even the Jeep will not make it where […]


We’re told our world is scary, But—outside—it is not so. The grass is green.  There’s blooms on trees. Spring is as it seems:   Sometimes cold, sometimes warm; Sometimes clear, sometimes storms; All aligned to God’s Design. Fear not man’s alarums For Truth, Good, and Life Anew         —like Spring— Will soon break through.   […]


            There is a difference in boys and girls, and it is apparent from the moment when they wake.  There is nothing quiet about my boys.  Their sounds and movement are made known the instant that they rise.  They sleep in the same room, and when one stirs, they ensure the other is not far […]


            My heart fixes fast when it feels a similar spirit.  It won’t force or fit to what does not pair, but when it senses another like itself, it desires strong to learn its company.  I used to think I was messed up, that my affinities were first to the flesh, and that—because I saw […]