Browsing Tag: Poetry


                Every day has the potential to be good.  Every day, we have the potential to be productive and make a difference: to ourselves and others whom we meet.  Some days, we need a little reaffirmation of this before we begin.                 We all matter.  We all make a difference.  Remember it.  Live it, especially […]


            We will never fully know what others around us are going through. We’ll never fully know the difference we might make, even when we do not intentionally try, when crossing through another’s life. To someone down, seeking for a reason to rise, we will never know the power in an offered smile in another’s […]


                I read a poem yesterday about someone feeling like they were drowning, losing control and being pulled under the surface of the sea.  It made me think back on my own life moments when I felt like I was “losing it.”                 Often, more so than actual conditions, it’s the panic that does us […]


I woke up early today, forgot my journal in our van. I went outside and spent some extra times staring at the stars and listening to the night sounds of summer. A thought came to mind looking up at the stars: the dreams and wishes we cast to them in our own private hopes. It […]