Last night, my daughter made me cry. She read me a book. I was having an evening when I felt a little off. Sad isn’t the word, but there was something in me that wasn’t settled. When I work through moments like that, I feel a difference and I know it shows. She […]
Browsing Tag: Parenting
Journal Pages
There is a difference in boys and girls, and it is apparent from the moment when they wake. There is nothing quiet about my boys. Their sounds and movement are made known the instant that they rise. They sleep in the same room, and when one stirs, they ensure the other is not far […]
Quick Thought
I love the sound of a child’s door drawn over carpet in the morning, the known cadence of little feet as he walks—still sleepy-eyed—out from his room, and the high sound of his voice when he calls to me from the hall. He is growing fast, and if he follows the course of his […]