All Posts By: Byron McCoy


               His favorite meals were those they shared alone, just he and she, yield from garden’s harvest from time and labors shared together in enrichment to bodies, spirits, and minds; enjoyed bounty of simple and joyful labors that bore fruit for them to see.                In the candle light and quiet of evening, meals made […]


               “You don’t really believe that do you?”                “Believe what?”                “Fatima: The Miracle of the Sun; that Mary revealed herself in celestial signs in movement and changing of the sun?”                “Why shouldn’t I?’                “It just seems absurd, ridiculous.  How could anyone believe in sign and miracle like that in our modern […]


               “Meanwhile, forgive me but there are other things we must think about: like doing our jobs…showing a bit of ordinary kindness to people, particularly our own families—unkindness to those close to us is such a pitiful th8ing—doing what we can…things which, please forgive me, sometimes seem more important than dwelling on a few middle-aged […]


               He wondered if one ever read his stories, found them by their own seeking where he left them all in open sight and access—if ever one cared to search.  It didn’t really matter, was just a curiosity, a wondering he would not drive to known answer but wrote away and aired simply to let […]


               In open air and sky of wilds, they made love in the broken light beneath autumn understory; her body as aspen’s skin—light and fair and bright in wash of sun through canopy of gold; the cool of the air and heat of their hold in stay of bond between; her face above, like sun, […]