She loved their rest in nakedness, open unhidden of their selves; to know their peace, to know their rest, even in the silence; to not wonder or question when she was wanted, strong sign when it arose; and the same of her body in subtler way, deepened hue of ends, expand of color, rise of swelling shape, the blush of her collar, its line of neck; the change in each’s breath; alone in the quiet, alone in the space; love’s inspire of the signs; his kiss’ need for meet of her own, to heat paint her open skin; rose of the warmth, rose of its trail, in loving to her bare; her hold of him, his touch of her, pleasure-building through the find; strong-beat of hearts, dizzy of minds, knowing full of own and other’s need.

               His take of her body, guide to align, her ready for it all; stronger kiss, greater hold, fingers’ dig of grasp, last linger of waiting’s last.  Then strong of the take, her body in slide, meet of make and breath’s escape; steadying, slowing, controlling, composing, focused once again; good of his give, her answer back, rock and grind to deep of keep; smile of lips covered in kiss, weight of body’s fall and burden onto hers; breathing through the weight, breathing through the take; absorb of his soundings into lips and tongue, resonant to her own.

               Slow, steady, deep-well strong; heart-to-heart in full pulse throb of match and whole-made one; her speeding beneath, his answer above, resonant in love.