“How do you change the world?” asked the young man of ambition to the old with experience.

                “Care,” the old man answered.  “Care for Someone, Anyone.  Don’t worry whether it is the Right One, or the Wrong One.  Who it is, is not important, so long as it is Someone.  If you feel a desire to share and show: do.  When we give and want for the good of another, we discover a joy that can never be robbed by circumstance nor conditions in this world.  We are always free to give; and while many may reject or value little the care we offer, Someone will. 

                Someone always does. 

                When we care for Someone long enough, we may discover care is love.  Maybe Someone will care for—even love—us in return, but that isn’t the point.  The purpose of life is in what we give and add to the world, not what we receive and take away.  Care without expectation of reciprocation and accept all returned to us as blessing.  When we live from this beginning, every life exchange becomes an opportunity for gratitude, and a life with this beginning possibility is far more lovely than one from the opposing want that leads more often to failed and broken expectations.”

                “But how does this change the world?” the young man asked.

                “Because, whether you know it or not, the care you give, all you think lives and goes unnoticed makes a difference.  Each act paints the world in the eyes of Someone: every kindness, affirmation, smile—every small and simple act that requires so little, but holds such possibility for touching and breaking through to a heart—makes a difference.  One day, the breakthrough comes, and by what we’ve lived and shown Someone too understands the way to change the world.  From a life of inward self-focus, their care and vision turn outward.  A world is changed.”


                “The life of Someone is no longer for, nor centered on, their self alone.  There becomes apparent more to their life and world.  Someone discerns in a new way the care we lived and showed for them, and—as is the next act and movement in the eternal cycle for changing of worlds—Someone begins to live their own care for Another

                By this, Someone’s world changes further, and Another, unknowing, is initiated into possibility for breakthrough.  Such is as it has always been and will forever be.

                This is how you change a world…care for Someone.”

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