“Doesn’t it feel good to express how special someone is to you?  No hiding, no pretensions, just leave it there for what it is?  Maybe it raises another up.  Maybe it’s dismissed, but either way, don’t we feel better for having said it?  Doesn’t the world seem better when we share the kinder spirits of ourselves? 

                I feel like our world is overpacked with good, and we’re all too afraid to let it free. 

                Maybe we don’t need a cause, a revolution.  Maybe it’s as simple as living the better nature present in us all?  We feel it, know it, understand that it is there, but we suppress it still.  We suppress it for “protection,” in fear of others’ rejection to the best that we can give; and in doing, it becomes us who reject and deny the offerings of our own good…and we wonder why our spirits are conflicted.

                Why not let it out?  Why not let it show?  Maybe we’ll be rejected still.  It is not for us to determine the will of others.  But if we let our good free to show, at least we will no longer be the suppressors of our own good by acts of conscious denial. 

                Maybe we’ll look foolish.  Maybe others will laugh, mock, or scorn the puerility of our ideal, but in living with the innocence of a child, do we not rid ourselves from much of the darkness we are inculcated to see through age? 

                Do you remember when we were young and no one cared?  We had to be taught to be despondent.  Is despondency a lesson worth driving to despair? 

                Every movement needs a useful idiot.  Let it be me.  Let me be the fool.  Let others laugh, if it makes their hearts feel light, because maybe that—and not hurt—is the beginning to a better world.”    

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