Why do men test fate?  Is it foolishness, destiny, or is such decided by observers only after the end is written—for better or worse—when what becomes of a definitive act and a life course after is learned and known, and we are free to critique the consequence of another on whom we affix a label for their acts?  Even then, when what we believe to be settled finality, is and end and determination ever really settled?  What are the continued consequences that will follow from affect beyond our present sight?
            I do not know.  I do not know if a man’s determination to test fate is written in the mind or engraved on the soul, if it is of free choice or compelled course in accord with higher design.  I only know that I have felt it.
            We are all free to think as we may: as fate, life, decisions, and determinations shape and write our present preconceptions.  Yet even as we see today, might not fate alter in an instant all we perceive and believe ourselves to know?  Is such affectation by decision of the mind, or through a striking of the heart?  Might this answer be different in each of us?
            I have answers to none of these questions.  I know only that I have lived experiences in which my spirit drew compelled to test, as if driven by something greater than my will, that pulled me into conditions beyond self-volition, as if leading nearer to a coming designed state of destiny
            Maybe I was wrong on everything I sensed.  Perhaps I am no more than a foolish romantic.  Isn’t that the label that befalls all dreamers in the end?  Or maybe there is something to the feel.

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